Automated Secondary DNS

Actually I'm happy to support Master2Slave DNS Replicator. Simple questions I just answer. If there are problems I fix them. And if it's more complex, then I charge for support.

cant seem to find the guide for power dns.

Can you point me in the right location

Change the following files:

zone.conf should contain something like:
zone "|DOMAIN|" { type master; file "|PATH|/|DOMAIN|.db"; notify yes; also-notify {;}; allow-transfer {; };};
In this example is the IP of the PowerDNS nameserver.

Note: you need to add your DirectAdmin server as a supermaster in PowerDNS. After that you'll need to rewrite the DNS files (or at least: /etc/bind/named.conf ). When that is done: restart named/bind.

Wait a few minutes and it should work.
Thank you for this post, made things a lot easier tonight rather than hunting around for the correct commands to get this all working on my backup dns server.
Done!! You may now add and remove domains on your primary DirectAdmin server and all the DNS zone files will automatically be created and transferred to your secondary DNS server. You no longer need to add manual DNS entries on the secondary server and tamper with the BIND configuration files.

I hope this helps!

I have implemented this as per your instructions however the zone files do not transfer to the secondary server, however it does write out to the /etc/named.conf, no zone file is created.

Am I missing something here, I have amended the paths so that it writes out to /var/named and /etc/named.conf as opposed to the paths in your configuration.
Check your /var/log/messages file in the file running the secondaries, to see transfer errors.

I heve the same problem... if i add any domain in DA then just put line into server2 /etc/bind/named.conf only, do not create file Can u help me diagnoze problem with this issue?