What is an A Record vs CName?


Verified User
Sep 1, 2005
Could someone please explain what this error message means?

Also, the difference between an A Record and CName? I tried adding the asterisk (* to add the wildcard sub-domain redirect to the home-page) when this error came up. Thanks.

"Cannot Add CNAME Record. Details, There is already an A record with that name"
A CNAME record is simply a pointer to another A record. If you use a CNAME what you're saying is:

Instead of me giving you an IP# here, I'm telling you the name of another domain. Look that up and get it's A record and then you'll have the IP#.

A wildcard record cannot be used if there is any other record for the particular domain.

That's a limitation of BIND.

....Instead of me giving you an IP# here, I'm telling you the name of another domain. Look that up and get it's A record and then you'll have the IP#..

But why would I want to give the name of a DIFFERENT domain there when all I want to do is capture and forward the wildcard subdomain traffic to the SAME domains index page
I have no idea why you use a CNAME record.

I know why I use them:

I use them only when I need to point a domain URL over which I have control to one over which I do NOT have control.

For example, if I want earthlink.nobaloney.net to point to the same IP# as earthlink.com, I'd use a CNAME record, setting earthlink.nobaloney.net. CNAME earthlink.com.

Years ago people used to use CNAMEs so if they changed an IP# they wouldn't have to change it in so many places. Now we have automation so it's easier to let the system do it for us.

Especially since a CNAME lookup means every time a domain is looked up there are TWO DNS lookups, as opposed to one if an A record is used.
