Version 1.15.2

Released: 2003-07-18

Ability to change the length of a session new

You can now change the duration of a login session. Just go into the admin panel, admin settings and set the desired value. The default is 60 minutes.

SKINS: add to admin/admin_settings.html right after timeout.

                <td class=list>
                        Session Timeout (minutes)
                <td class=list>
                        <input type=text name=session_minutes value="|SESSION_MINUTES|" size=32>

Log totals have been removed from users disk usage new

Many people were complaining that their log usage was using up all of their disk space. It has been removed from a the users total disk usage and added to the domain stats under its own column.

Changed the method logs are shown to show the log as a raw file new

Some logs can be extremely large. To load it into memory is inefficient, so logs will now be sent as raw text.

Outlook tokenizer skipping usename due to escape sequence fixed

DirectAdmin added support for an esacape sequence before a pipe '|' so that a user could specify a pipe not be used in a token. This causes a problem with:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet Account ManagerAccounts\|USERNAME|]

as |USERNAME| is preceded by a backslash ''.

Feature should be added to support the escape of '' as well, so that the line would read:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet Account ManagerAccounts\\|USERNAME|]

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